See how a Christ-centered education makes all the difference in a student's growth

Eastern Christian School prepares students through top-tier academics rooted in a biblical worldview.

Inside the Parent Info Packet, You’ll See:

About The Author

Morbi egestas ultricies est. Proin eu odio nibh. Praesent venenatis mi vitae pharetra porttitor. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec sed dolor pulvinar, dapibus augue non, tincidunt nibh. Curabitur et elit commodo, dictum diam sed, dapibus enim. Integer et pulvinar leo, condimentum maximus diam. Phasellus imperdiet urna in tortor vestibulum porta eget ac metus.

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  • Snapshots across our three campuses, featuring our classrooms, labs, and extracurricular facilities

  • What Christian education looks like at EC, from biblical worldview teaching to service learning and missions

  • Opportunities for children from preschool-twelfth grade to discover their gifts and talents while developing love for learning

  • Info on our Variable Tuition program which helps families fit private school tuition into their budget

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Image of woman holding an iPad and reading the Parent Info Packet.

Families Choose Eastern Christian Because:

Strong Commitment to Safety

We take every measure to ensure students are safe physically, socially, emotionally, and even digitally. Read more in your parent packet.

Smiling middle-school age girl

Small Class Sizes

Though EC has the opportunities found at a large school, students enjoy small classes and a close knit community, where they are known by name.

Preschool-age students playing with wooden blocks

High-Quality Programs

Differentiated learning, STEAM, internships, and college/career training are just a few of the ways we prepare students for bright futures.

High-schoolers working on a chemistry project

Don’t Leave Without Your Parent Info Packet!


If you are looking for a school where each child is important, where teachers, administrators, and staff take an active interest in their students' well being, where rigorous coursework will prepare your son or daughter for the challenges of the future, where enduring friendships are made, and where a Christ-centered education is a priority, then you must consider enrolling your child at Eastern Christian.

Daniel Onove  |  EC Parent

50 Oakwood Avenue, North Haledon, NJ 07508    Call 973-427-6244

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See how a Christ-centered education makes all the difference in a student's growth

Eastern Christian School prepares students through 
top-tier academics rooted in a biblical worldview.

Download Your Parent Info Packet